Important Reasons Why You Can’t Rely on Others to Promote Your Product
You may think that with a strong affiliate program behind you, you don’t need to do any promotions or marketing of your product because your affiliates will do it for you. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Any published author, with the exception of the big names like Grisham, Macomber, King, and Patterson, know that you have to be your own best marketer and salesperson. Even if your publisher says they’ll market your book, you can’t count on their efforts alone.
The same is true for information marketing. The biggest push needs to come from you, not from your affiliates. The sales they make need to be gravy, not the meatloaf, if you follow my metaphor. The more buzz you can generate about your product, the more your affiliates will want to take part in the feeding frenzy by promoting alongside you, and offering the latest and greatest product on the virtual block.
Here’s a short list of ways you MUST promote your information product:
1. Create a top-notch sales page. Even if you are using affiliates who pre-sell your product, they are going to end up on your sales page eventually. Make sure you’re doing all you can to convert them when they arrive (Hint: High conversion rates also lure great affiliates!).
2. Use social media. Do the usual routine – Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter… and keep doing it!
3. Offer bonuses. Your product may be great on its own, but up the offer by adding in fabulous, can’t-miss bonuses! They’ll sweeten the pot for you and for your affiliates.
4. Keep on promoting. Once your product is launched, you may think the marketing ends. Not so! You must keep the wheel turning by periodically revisiting your marketing efforts. Hold a monthly call on the topic, add a blog post a quarter, mention it as an upsell or downsell for another product… if you don’t keep promoting, it will die a quiet death.
The great thing about promoting your products is that you often lead by example; the more your affiliates see you promoting, the more they’ll promote. And that leads to a win-win for both of you!