How to Integrate Leadpages with Infusionsoft

LeadPages is a great tool to create your opt-in pages to grow your email lists. What makes it even better is how easily it works with Infusionsoft. Here’s how to integrate Infusionsoft and Leadpages.

  1. Set up your Infusionsoft campaign the way you usually do – web form, tags, emails, etc. When setting up the web form you don’t have to create a fancy style the way you would when you put it on your WordPress site; just put in the fields you need (email, first name, last name, etc.).
  2. Obtain your Infusionsoft App Name and API key.
    • Your app name is the first digits in your Insionsoft URL that appear before the part (
    • For your API key go to the admin and settings section of your app.
      • Select application on the left side menu.
      • Scroll down and copy the encrypted key – the encrypted key is your API.
    • Enter this information in the Leadpages account settings section; this action will link Leadpages and Infusionsoft together.
  3. Design the Leadpage.
  4. On the Leadpage go to the opt-in and choose edit.
    • Next select integration settings on the left side.
    • Choose Infusionsoft.
  5. Infusionsoft should now appear under the integrate form. Under using – select the name of your web form. If it does not appear, hit the reload button. It might take a few minutes for Leadpages to connect with Infusionsoft.
  6. In Leadpages you will now set up the design so the opt-in form for your page.
  7. Publish the Leadpage and test it.

That’s it! Follow these quick and easy steps and you’re all set.

Infusionsoft campaigns

App name and api

About the author: Heather

Heather is a Certified Infusionsoft Consultant and Automation Marketing Expert. Heather sees herself as an essential part of her clients business and integral to them reaching their desired level of revenue growth. Heather is a straight shooter with a fast paced working style that believes in the importance of planning and sticking to timelines to succeed. Heather designs powerful marketing campaigns, creates membership sites with Memberium and iMember360, sets up your newsletters, maintains your order forms and works with many more of the functions of Infusionsoft.